商品系列: Time Limited Offer - New Year Champagne Gift Set
🎁Chinese New Year早鳥優惠!最岩送至親好友既禮物
- 2016 Le Gallais Brut Nature 香檳木盒包裝 1 支
- 手工製MARK THOMAS Double Bend香檳玻璃杯2隻
👉🏻每隻 Mark Thomas 香檳杯都是手工製作、經人工吹製,具有最高品質。
💬存貨有限, 快啲PM我哋入手啦!
Early-Bird 🎅🏻Chinese New Year Specials!
🥂Champagne set now at $728
The set includes:
- 2016 Le Gallais Brut Nature Champagne in wooden Box x1
- Handcrafted MARK THOMAS Double Bend Champagne glass x2
👉🏻Each Mark Thomas champagne glass is handcrafted, mouth blown and of the highest quality.
👉🏻These thin-walled, elegant wine glasses present the character and balance of fine wines.
💬Limited Stock and Buy Now while stocks last!